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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Panama: il canale si fa grande

Sono iniziati lunedì i lavori di ampliamento del Canale di Panama. Come nelle migliori occasioni le celebrazioni si sono sprecate, con fuochi d’artificio ed esplosioni (reali) di dinamite davanti ad una selezionata platea di ospiti d’onore: Jimmy Carter, Álvaro Uribe, Daniel Ortega, Antonio Saca oltre a cinquantamila panamensi in festa. Per Martin Torrijos, figlio d’arte, si tratta senza dubbio di un’operazione di popolarità senza precedenti. Per lui, la Storia ha tracciato una ideale continuità con il padre Omar, che
nell’ottobre 1979 aveva firmato con Carter la consegna del canale a Panama.
Quale sarà l’impatto ambientale dei lavori? La domanda è passata sempre in secondo piano in questi anni di progettazione. Sul tavolo sono infatti in gioco commesse per 5250 milioni di dollari, sufficienti per mettere da parte qualsiasi rimostranza. La carica di dinamite di inaugurazione, azionata dallo stesso Torrijos, ha tranciato in due la cima del cerro Paraíso ed intanto, primo giorno di lavoro e primo morto. Il suo nome: Luis Gómez, 44 anni, fulminato da una scarica elettrica.
Eppure, il futuro del canale passa giocoforza per il rispetto dell’ambiente. Ogni nave che attraversa le chiuse ha bisogno di 196 milioni di litri di acqua, che si ottengono grazie alla perfetta comunione tra la foresta tropicale che richiama le piogge e riversa le acque nel lago Gatún, cuore naturale del canale. Negli ultimi anni Panama ha vissuto una deforestazione selvaggia e si teme che questo sistema naturale non riesca più a funzionare.
Gli interessi però sono ingenti e la manodopera assicurata per i prossimi dieci anni concede al progetto un quasi completo appoggio popolare. Resta da verificare se, una volta terminata l’ampliazione, il bacino del Gatún potrà sopportare il traffico.
Al momento, dal canale di Panama passa il 5% del commercio mondiale marittimo, trasportato da circa tredicimila navi (una media di 35 al giorno). I lavori termineranno nel 2014.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

She had observed the peculiar fire which lighted up his eyes in the presence of Ellen Kingsbury, and she bethought her of a plan which would ensure her some amusement at the expense of these impertinent rustics, though in a manner different somewhat from her original more natural idea of simple coquetry.. That cheap pictures could also be obtained points to the prostitution complex, just as the dreamer's surname on the little picture and the thought that it was intended for his birthday, point to the parent complex (to be born on the stairway--to be conceived in coitus).. He once heard a lecture of mine delivered to a small assemblage, on the novel subject of the dream as the fulfillment of a wish.. THE ANGEL OF THE ODD [From The Columbian Magazine , October, 1844.. And if in the moonlit midnight, while he lay calmly sleeping, she leaned out of the window and sank into vague reveries of sweet possibility, and watched the gleaming path of the moonlight upon the water, until the dawn glided over it--it was only that mood of nameless regret and longing, which underlies all human happiness,--or it was the vision of that life of society, which she had never seen, but of which she had often read, and which looked very fair and alluring across the sea to a girlish imagination which knew that it should never know that reality.. You've got to convince that jury yourself.. The blonde matron turned to her husband.. He still looked from the window, and I said: Titbottom, I did not know that you used glasses.. The insane who have not been made so by actual injury to their brain or nervous system, are the victims of unconscious forces which cause them to do abnormally things which they might be helped to do normally.. As each purchase was promptly paid for, and change had to be secured, the clerk earned his salary for that day at least.. At first I had a feeling that I was going to be at great cost for clothing him.. Old mars', your pa, gimme a pah of dem mule colts when I lef' fur to staht me goin' with.. The recollection of the slight event with which the evening of yesterday ended is at once called up.. Leonard's, and pass the whole evening there.. He thought that a man with an ax was running after him; he wished to run, but felt paralyzed and could not move from the spot.. They led a secluded life; the girl being little known in the town, and her beauty and fascination apparently not yet being a recognized fact.. And that was just what we did.. Pork-chop, eh? Is that the best you can think of? I know what you mean, though.. I have been to see de gran lot vot you sell me to-day.. Good-mornin', sir, said Elder Brown again, in his most dignified tones...

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